Well, I have just watched the movie JUST LIKE HEAVEN and I find my fingers are already moving anticipating a new blog[:)]
This certainly is not about love or such feelings what I am going to write about is Movies..yeah, more precisely romantic movies.
After watching scores of bollywood movies and a few of Hollywood's ,I feel that movies made in india lack the kind of intensity or creativity that hollywood boasts of.
Talking about Romantic ones,Hollywood movies like Serendipity,If only,Little Manhanttan,50 First Dates,Just like Heaven,Love Actually and many more(List goes very long) take you to a very high level and you keep thinking about the characters,the theme long after the movie.This kind of effect is found missing in hindi Movies ,Even if you name the best ones like Devdas,Heer-Ranjha they stand nowhere against the names mentioned a few line above.
Hollywood movies of all type have one thing in common,they are intense,even if it's comedy it's an intense one,you get the best of the kind you are watching.In Romantic movies, they are very rich in content whether be it emotional or physical which probably our hindi directors probably never cared to provide or in other words they never went that extra step forward to defy the conventional limits.They never innovated enough .Even if you watch other type of movies like The troy,Alexander,Kingdom of Heaven,Star wars,Lord of the Rings you are left your breath gasping by the magnanimous scale of
men and materials involved.
Globalistion is the hue and cry these days and it's the time our film industry also goes global,which can only come when you respect creativity and keep Innovating.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
by amrita pritam
“तुम मुझे भले िकतनी ही बार छोड़ कर चले जाओ, पर िजतनी बार जाओ, उस से एक बार ज़्यादा लौटना.. अगर िबछड़ना पचास बार तो िमलना इक्यावन बार. ये िवयोग अपनी बारी से आता रहा और साथ में िमलन भी. अन्त में िमलन जीतेगा.. एक नम्बर के फ़र्क से… “
“तुम्हारा विश्वास नहीं टूटता?”
“टूटता है, पर िफर बन्ध जाता है. विश्वास भले ही पचास बार टूटे, पर उसे इक्यवन बार बन्धना चािहये. एक बार ज़्यादा, बस एक बार…”
“तुम्हारा विश्वास नहीं टूटता?”
“टूटता है, पर िफर बन्ध जाता है. विश्वास भले ही पचास बार टूटे, पर उसे इक्यवन बार बन्धना चािहये. एक बार ज़्यादा, बस एक बार…”
Monday, September 17, 2007
My New Poem..Rah Ke Pathik...

Well..this is exam time here and my poetry is at its best as usual[hehe]..
Rah Ke Pathik...
O Rah ke pathik,Badhta Ja,
manji dur hai,raste visham,
bhavon ki umadti nadiya hai to,
gahraya hai moh ka bhi tam,
vikaT aise kaal mein,
tu deep dharya ke jalata ja.O Rah ke....
Nit-Nirantar suni hoti in rahon pe,
sathi chhutenge,sangi bichhdenge,
Mat ro,tu jivan path ka rahi hai,
rah rokte is jaal ko,
tu swayam hi suljhata ja.O Rah ke....
Ja puchh himgiri ke us utang shikhar se,
ya puch sagar ki us anchhui gahri kokh se,
kitne akele hain ye,
vishalta ka mulya kya hai,
jante hain ye,
O lakshya ke diwane,
rukna nai,mudna nai,
path ki in suni awajon ko,
manjil se aata soch,chalta ja.O Rah ke....
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Love and Marriage...
Haha..My second consecutive post on "LOVE"..to clear my stand,
I am writing only on the topics on which I feel I have an
opinion that i need to share with you people..
I think most of us wish to fall in love and majoirity of us do
wanna get married once they are settled. A few of us are
already in love (Few?am I wrong?) and most of them would want
to marry their loved ones (anyone who falls outside these
categories? Plz..I want to Interact with you)..
My take is very clear, marriage and love are two eternally
different things and any attempt to join them is as futile as
extrpolating two parallel lines in the hope that they meet
somewhere..if you wish to join them you have to break one of
the lines..in the same way,you have to compromise with
either love or marriage in your life..luckiest is the person
who don't have to compromise on any of these..reasons:-
* Love is an absoulutely personal Feeling between two persons,
while marriage is a social institution from its very concept in
all the societies globally.
* Love as they say, knows no age,religion,boundaries etc..on the
contrary in marriage, details much more finer than age,religion,
borders are taken into account and people try to find the most
compatible match possible[:) most of the times this is also futile]
Does that mean you shudn't marry the person you love or
only love the one whom you marry??..
The question is wide open for you to ponder over and share your
thoughts..I am very flexible on the above thoughts and given a
proper logic I am willing to change..
I am writing only on the topics on which I feel I have an
opinion that i need to share with you people..
I think most of us wish to fall in love and majoirity of us do
wanna get married once they are settled. A few of us are
already in love (Few?am I wrong?) and most of them would want
to marry their loved ones (anyone who falls outside these
categories? Plz..I want to Interact with you)..
My take is very clear, marriage and love are two eternally
different things and any attempt to join them is as futile as
extrpolating two parallel lines in the hope that they meet
somewhere..if you wish to join them you have to break one of
the lines..in the same way,you have to compromise with
either love or marriage in your life..luckiest is the person
who don't have to compromise on any of these..reasons:-
* Love is an absoulutely personal Feeling between two persons,
while marriage is a social institution from its very concept in
all the societies globally.
* Love as they say, knows no age,religion,boundaries etc..on the
contrary in marriage, details much more finer than age,religion,
borders are taken into account and people try to find the most
compatible match possible[:) most of the times this is also futile]
Does that mean you shudn't marry the person you love or
only love the one whom you marry??..
The question is wide open for you to ponder over and share your
thoughts..I am very flexible on the above thoughts and given a
proper logic I am willing to change..
Friday, June 15, 2007
Contemplating Love!!
I have been thinking on a while whether one can love more than one person with equal vigour and passion to all of them.(if in case you have more than one :) I have none,hence all this thought and blogs :))
Well, I think ,it's very much possible. Just that we don't realise it or we do not want to.
Can you differentiate between your love for two of your brothers,don't you love them equally?
yes you do..I bet you do. sometimes,you love someone on an equivalent level as of your parents,for example your spiritual guru,or someone elder.All of this are very much real phenomena occuring in our life.
Now what is it that makes us think,we can't love two sweethearts/lifepartners equally. Though it may be a wild concept for some,but I am sure it happens and it's perfectly natural.
If it can't be so,then I must say there exists two types of love,one that is bestowed on life-partner and the other one being for rest of the family & friends,including mother,father and brothers etc. However,all of us know love is same everywhere and for all,whether it's for spouse or for family. what makes the love for life-partner somewhat appear different is the blend of sex and love.
Hence, I think it's perfectly natural if one is in love with more than one person at a time.
Moreover, our ancient texts have some very good examples of such kind, Draupadi with pandavas and Lord Krishna with his eight patranis. Just we need to think over it rationally and you'll get my point.
Disclaimer:- It's only a thought..please don't try it out..you may loose even the existing ones..[:)]
Well, I think ,it's very much possible. Just that we don't realise it or we do not want to.
Can you differentiate between your love for two of your brothers,don't you love them equally?
yes you do..I bet you do. sometimes,you love someone on an equivalent level as of your parents,for example your spiritual guru,or someone elder.All of this are very much real phenomena occuring in our life.
Now what is it that makes us think,we can't love two sweethearts/lifepartners equally. Though it may be a wild concept for some,but I am sure it happens and it's perfectly natural.
If it can't be so,then I must say there exists two types of love,one that is bestowed on life-partner and the other one being for rest of the family & friends,including mother,father and brothers etc. However,all of us know love is same everywhere and for all,whether it's for spouse or for family. what makes the love for life-partner somewhat appear different is the blend of sex and love.
Hence, I think it's perfectly natural if one is in love with more than one person at a time.
Moreover, our ancient texts have some very good examples of such kind, Draupadi with pandavas and Lord Krishna with his eight patranis. Just we need to think over it rationally and you'll get my point.
Disclaimer:- It's only a thought..please don't try it out..you may loose even the existing ones..[:)]
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Sutta Song
I remember girls deserting the arena when the band Pentagram started chanting " B*C*
Sutta" along with us at ISM during srijan2k6. However, I had a completely different experience at IIT KGP.
Recently I attended a party by Nettech(an organisation which gives summer training in network management). Since some of my friends were a part of the training, I was also invited.Approximately 300 guys and gals in almost equal proportion were dancing to the tunes and adding to the beauty of the evening.
Someone played the song "sutta" and I cud hear all the girls crying and whistling passionately.It was as if this song had the effect of a Booster on their souls.
when the song was changed I heard some girls shouting "sir,B*C* Sutta fir se"(aaila!! bharosa nai hua kya)..
Guys became almost electrified on this response of girls..some of the guys went further and the famous XLRI song("danda" ) was on the decks now..To add to my amazement the gals were still tapping their legs..
After the party, at my room I was wondering ,what was it that made the ISM girls leave the arena then back in 2k6. Has india changed so much in last one year??
By the way, here at KGP I also heard the female version of "sutta" by the gals of NIT,K.. (Mail me, If you need this song)
Well, after all this I am forced to change my perceptions about gals..I would suggest you should too,if you haven't.
Sutta" along with us at ISM during srijan2k6. However, I had a completely different experience at IIT KGP.
Recently I attended a party by Nettech(an organisation which gives summer training in network management). Since some of my friends were a part of the training, I was also invited.Approximately 300 guys and gals in almost equal proportion were dancing to the tunes and adding to the beauty of the evening.
Someone played the song "sutta" and I cud hear all the girls crying and whistling passionately.It was as if this song had the effect of a Booster on their souls.
when the song was changed I heard some girls shouting "sir,B*C* Sutta fir se"(aaila!! bharosa nai hua kya)..
Guys became almost electrified on this response of girls..some of the guys went further and the famous XLRI song("danda" ) was on the decks now..To add to my amazement the gals were still tapping their legs..
After the party, at my room I was wondering ,what was it that made the ISM girls leave the arena then back in 2k6. Has india changed so much in last one year??
By the way, here at KGP I also heard the female version of "sutta" by the gals of NIT,K.. (Mail me, If you need this song)
Well, after all this I am forced to change my perceptions about gals..I would suggest you should too,if you haven't.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Swapna sundari ...continued..
This part of swapnsundari is composed by
Ms. Tabassum Shakeel..(she insisted on continuing this poem)
"main bhramar nahi tu pushp nahi
par jeevan upavan lagtab hai
he priytama ye roop tera mujhe
anupam aur ujjaval lagta hai
man pathik mera tu manzil si
ye jeevan raah sa lagta hai
ik swapn si sunder kyun hai tu?
tujhe paana jeevan lagta hai ..."
This had added to the beauty of the poem immensly
Ms. Tabassum Shakeel..(she insisted on continuing this poem)
"main bhramar nahi tu pushp nahi
par jeevan upavan lagtab hai
he priytama ye roop tera mujhe
anupam aur ujjaval lagta hai
man pathik mera tu manzil si
ye jeevan raah sa lagta hai
ik swapn si sunder kyun hai tu?
tujhe paana jeevan lagta hai ..."
This had added to the beauty of the poem immensly
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Haha...my Visa trip..though this might have turned out to be a US trip .
thanx to US onsulate,it cudn't
It was interesting to know how they delayed(better say denied my visa)..
After crossing 2 security checks and 2 counters where they check for
your papers..It turned out to be my photograph was not according to
their specifications..and the pretty lady needed my hostel phone no.
too..(plz don't assume any other reason except VISA )..I had to move
out getting a photograph according to their specifications and
crossing all those counters and checks again..
In b/w I cud see some pretty young ladies waiting for their Interview
with me..along with two old couples,one student aspiring for MS,
one wipro Business Executive alongwith his family and one journalism student(probably)..
Tension as usual..they were preparing for the Interview the way we
prepare for Our exams..asking questions among themselves viz.
"the executive to his wife-what do you do mam?
wife - I am a teacher
exec. -How long you have been teaching
wife - ****
exec - Why do you want to move to USA?
wife - *** "
I cud see a tension prevelant on all the faces except mine.Reason,
I thought I was genuine and had nothing to hide..no need to prepare
for these simple questions (I was wrong..hehe)
However I took the chance to talk with one of the girl sitting
beside me. She was a Wipro employee,was tense.I queried for wht papers
she has brought etc...
Inbetween, I cud see 3 ppl being denied their VISA outrightly and the
Journalism student was allowed.They were two ppl taking interviews.
One a young US guy (say Mr. x),the other being a Lady on two separate
The moment arrives,my name is called..went to the counter,It was Mr. x
waiting for me(pahla kela...socha tha wo lady legi Interview)--
Mr. x- gudafternoon sir
me- (with a forced smile) gud afternoon
Mr. x- How are you sir?(jaise abhi chai,coffee ke liye puchhega)
me- fine and you?
Mr. x- fine sir, please scan your fingers on the red scanner
Me- ok(karna pada )
Mr. x- (going thru my papers, I was feeling the tension now)
where r u going sir?
me- decatur,georgia near Atlanta(again with a forced smile)
Mr. X- what is the purpose?
me- (m**** application me likhe to the sab kuchh)summer Internship
Mr. x- Why did u choose this internship?
me- (thinking for a while,US ghumna tha aur kya)-The Internship Involves
microcontroller programming which is my area of Interest besides,
this being a foreign Internship adds much value in india.
(koka....microprocessor me C+ aya tha:))
Mr. X- I think you may need a J1 visa
Me- I had a talk with a fellow who had done his Undergard Intern
In US and he told a B1 visa would do.
Mr. x- Ok,lemme confirm ..don't go any where(went inside a room,increasing my
tension further,comes back talks to a person besides him )
Mr. x- Mr. Dubey,this is not a problem for us(does some work on desktop )..
we have a different issue(awaz more soft and frndly...I cud sense
something wrong,nahi to Itne pyar se baat karne ki koi jarurat nahi thi)
Mr. x- (smiling) someone with your name has done something in US and we'll
require an additional clearance from washington(bomb dropped!!aailaaa)
Me- so get it.how much time it's gonna take?
Mr. x- It may take months sir(ho gaya)..(sensing my disappointment) however in
some case It cases I have seen it coming it within a month also
(consolation complete...)
Me- (giving a shatterred look) what about my internship sir
(man to kar raha tha galiyane ka)
Mr. x- but this check will be necessary when u go for your higher degrees ,
Job or for an eventual Internship Next year(matlab..s*** Internship
to bhul hi jao aagey fir kabhi jana hai to meri baat mano)
Me- I see..but can't you ask for a fast processing of things.
Mr. x- sorry sir,we can't do anything in this regard...
*********(kuchh aur baatein)
This way My visa trip comes to an end............................................
Kahani se sikh-Never go for an US Internship..East or West India is The Best
thanx to US onsulate,it cudn't
It was interesting to know how they delayed(better say denied my visa)..
After crossing 2 security checks and 2 counters where they check for
your papers..It turned out to be my photograph was not according to
their specifications..and the pretty lady needed my hostel phone no.
too..(plz don't assume any other reason except VISA )..I had to move
out getting a photograph according to their specifications and
crossing all those counters and checks again..
In b/w I cud see some pretty young ladies waiting for their Interview
with me..along with two old couples,one student aspiring for MS,
one wipro Business Executive alongwith his family and one journalism student(probably)..
Tension as usual..they were preparing for the Interview the way we
prepare for Our exams..asking questions among themselves viz.
"the executive to his wife-what do you do mam?
wife - I am a teacher
exec. -How long you have been teaching
wife - ****
exec - Why do you want to move to USA?
wife - *** "
I cud see a tension prevelant on all the faces except mine.Reason,
I thought I was genuine and had nothing to hide..no need to prepare
for these simple questions (I was wrong..hehe)
However I took the chance to talk with one of the girl sitting
beside me. She was a Wipro employee,was tense.I queried for wht papers
she has brought etc...
Inbetween, I cud see 3 ppl being denied their VISA outrightly and the
Journalism student was allowed.They were two ppl taking interviews.
One a young US guy (say Mr. x),the other being a Lady on two separate
The moment arrives,my name is called..went to the counter,It was Mr. x
waiting for me(pahla kela...socha tha wo lady legi Interview)--
Mr. x- gudafternoon sir
me- (with a forced smile) gud afternoon
Mr. x- How are you sir?(jaise abhi chai,coffee ke liye puchhega)
me- fine and you?
Mr. x- fine sir, please scan your fingers on the red scanner
Me- ok(karna pada )
Mr. x- (going thru my papers, I was feeling the tension now)
where r u going sir?
me- decatur,georgia near Atlanta(again with a forced smile)
Mr. X- what is the purpose?
me- (m**** application me likhe to the sab kuchh)summer Internship
Mr. x- Why did u choose this internship?
me- (thinking for a while,US ghumna tha aur kya)-The Internship Involves
microcontroller programming which is my area of Interest besides,
this being a foreign Internship adds much value in india.
(koka....microprocessor me C+ aya tha:))
Mr. X- I think you may need a J1 visa
Me- I had a talk with a fellow who had done his Undergard Intern
In US and he told a B1 visa would do.
Mr. x- Ok,lemme confirm ..don't go any where(went inside a room,increasing my
tension further,comes back talks to a person besides him )
Mr. x- Mr. Dubey,this is not a problem for us(does some work on desktop )..
we have a different issue(awaz more soft and frndly...I cud sense
something wrong,nahi to Itne pyar se baat karne ki koi jarurat nahi thi)
Mr. x- (smiling) someone with your name has done something in US and we'll
require an additional clearance from washington(bomb dropped!!aailaaa)
Me- so get it.how much time it's gonna take?
Mr. x- It may take months sir(ho gaya)..(sensing my disappointment) however in
some case It cases I have seen it coming it within a month also
(consolation complete...)
Me- (giving a shatterred look) what about my internship sir
(man to kar raha tha galiyane ka)
Mr. x- but this check will be necessary when u go for your higher degrees ,
Job or for an eventual Internship Next year(matlab..s*** Internship
to bhul hi jao aagey fir kabhi jana hai to meri baat mano)
Me- I see..but can't you ask for a fast processing of things.
Mr. x- sorry sir,we can't do anything in this regard...
*********(kuchh aur baatein)
This way My visa trip comes to an end............................................
Kahani se sikh-Never go for an US Internship..East or West India is The Best
Friday, March 30, 2007
My Tryst With Astrology
I have been interested into astrology after my 10th when i had lots of leisure time between board exams and their declaration.May be my this interest is due to Banaras,the holy city being my place of birth,and this city continues to fascinate me more than any other place.
Initially i myself was not sure whether how much accurate the predictions are or whether they are connected to one's destiny at all.However,i followed my this hobby as i had ample time then.Gradually i came across various classic texts and enriched my knoweledge.
The real launch took place when i entered at ISM,with astrology being my only saviour during the dreaded ragging period.With a little heasitation i started mentioning astrology as my hobby during the mandatory 'intro' ,it was an instant hit and i was popular within days as the "first year jo kundali dekhta hai",with some final year seniors being on my fan list(that's quite
an achievement during ragging period).
one day a senior called me and said that whatever i had said about him was true to every word and it was a pleasant surprise for me,as i myself had not tested my predictions till then and here i had someone testifying for 100% accuracy.Gradually, the number of such persons increased and i was known more for my astro skills rahter than anything else.Though there were many students with palmistry as their hobby but none in horoscopes,which sounded more scientific and credible to the general Junta.
At times,it became difficult to manage as this phenomenon continued during exam time too,and i had really some hard time avoiding some persons solely to save some time for study.
Being an astrologer gives you many benefits..
the first being instant interaction..
the moment one knows you know astrology(doesn't matter how right or wrong),9 out of 10 times,he'll ask for your services,this way you can move into his personal domain instantly.
gals!!..Yeah it definitely works for Indian girls,(haven't tried on foreigners,may be i'll try some this summer)
Social Magnet..quoting Mr. Amitabh Gir,Manager,Admissions,ISB.."I want to learn astrolgy purely with a strategic point of view,coz people with some astro skills are social magnets".This is what he told me once during a dinner,and he was not wrong for sure.
I don't know how much help it would be once i move into the industry,but at ISM, it's been very effective. Whether it was being tagged the "1st guy" to clinch a party from the most sought after gal at ISM(guess!!!shudn't be difficult,she is in final year :-) ), a midnight call from Chicago or some unknown friend requests at Orkut(guys and gals alike),astrology has been something that has made me cultivate my second hobby i.e. to Interact with people and this surely is going to help me in industry if not astrology.
Initially i myself was not sure whether how much accurate the predictions are or whether they are connected to one's destiny at all.However,i followed my this hobby as i had ample time then.Gradually i came across various classic texts and enriched my knoweledge.
The real launch took place when i entered at ISM,with astrology being my only saviour during the dreaded ragging period.With a little heasitation i started mentioning astrology as my hobby during the mandatory 'intro' ,it was an instant hit and i was popular within days as the "first year jo kundali dekhta hai",with some final year seniors being on my fan list(that's quite
an achievement during ragging period).
one day a senior called me and said that whatever i had said about him was true to every word and it was a pleasant surprise for me,as i myself had not tested my predictions till then and here i had someone testifying for 100% accuracy.Gradually, the number of such persons increased and i was known more for my astro skills rahter than anything else.Though there were many students with palmistry as their hobby but none in horoscopes,which sounded more scientific and credible to the general Junta.
At times,it became difficult to manage as this phenomenon continued during exam time too,and i had really some hard time avoiding some persons solely to save some time for study.
Being an astrologer gives you many benefits..
the first being instant interaction..
the moment one knows you know astrology(doesn't matter how right or wrong),9 out of 10 times,he'll ask for your services,this way you can move into his personal domain instantly.
gals!!..Yeah it definitely works for Indian girls,(haven't tried on foreigners,may be i'll try some this summer)
Social Magnet..quoting Mr. Amitabh Gir,Manager,Admissions,ISB.."I want to learn astrolgy purely with a strategic point of view,coz people with some astro skills are social magnets".This is what he told me once during a dinner,and he was not wrong for sure.
I don't know how much help it would be once i move into the industry,but at ISM, it's been very effective. Whether it was being tagged the "1st guy" to clinch a party from the most sought after gal at ISM(guess!!!shudn't be difficult,she is in final year :-) ), a midnight call from Chicago or some unknown friend requests at Orkut(guys and gals alike),astrology has been something that has made me cultivate my second hobby i.e. to Interact with people and this surely is going to help me in industry if not astrology.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My Poem..Meri SwapnSundari....
हे स्वप्न सुंदरी तेरी तलाश में कहाँ खो गया हूँ मैं।
इस संसार के उपवन में हजार तितलियाँ, हजारों भ्रमर
पर उस तितली को देखकर क्यों मचल गया हूँ मैं,
कोइ पूछे विधाता की उस सुंदरतम रचना से,
जेठ की इस भरी दुपहरी में ठंढी आह क्यों भर रहा हूँ मैं।
पतझड़ में सावन,दिवाली में होली और दिन में रात
के गीत क्यों गा रहा हूँ मैं। हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
अचानक से मेरा मन-मयूर मचल उठा है क्यों,
ऐ हसीना तेरे इन लहराते बालों पे,
चलते तो सब लोग हैं,पर क्यों जी करता है,
मर जाने को तेरी इन मतवाली चालों पे।
क्यों तेरी इस मादक खुशबू से
खुद को मतवाला बना रहा हूँ मैं। हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
फ़कीर था पहले अब तेरा दिवाना हो गया हूँ,
जो कभी ना बुझे उस शमाँ का परवाना हो गया हूँ,
तुमसे मिला नही कभी पर तेरी याद में
पागल सा हो रहा हूँ, कवि नहीं हूँ,
पर कविता लिख रहा हूँ मैं।हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
इस संसार के उपवन में हजार तितलियाँ, हजारों भ्रमर
पर उस तितली को देखकर क्यों मचल गया हूँ मैं,
कोइ पूछे विधाता की उस सुंदरतम रचना से,
जेठ की इस भरी दुपहरी में ठंढी आह क्यों भर रहा हूँ मैं।
पतझड़ में सावन,दिवाली में होली और दिन में रात
के गीत क्यों गा रहा हूँ मैं। हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
अचानक से मेरा मन-मयूर मचल उठा है क्यों,
ऐ हसीना तेरे इन लहराते बालों पे,
चलते तो सब लोग हैं,पर क्यों जी करता है,
मर जाने को तेरी इन मतवाली चालों पे।
क्यों तेरी इस मादक खुशबू से
खुद को मतवाला बना रहा हूँ मैं। हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
फ़कीर था पहले अब तेरा दिवाना हो गया हूँ,
जो कभी ना बुझे उस शमाँ का परवाना हो गया हूँ,
तुमसे मिला नही कभी पर तेरी याद में
पागल सा हो रहा हूँ, कवि नहीं हूँ,
पर कविता लिख रहा हूँ मैं।हे स्वप्न सुंदरी……
Friday, March 23, 2007
Semester Vows!!

Starting from the 1st Mid-Semester Exam way back in 1st semester,i along with my dear friend vow to study hard next time only to degrade our performance in next exam.We don't seem to find a solution to it,the bigger the vow,poorer the performance. our GPA trends keep showing a negative slope, while aspirations behaving just the opposite.
When i came at ISM, i heard someone saying "in 1st year,you start with Next Bill Gates,gradually realising that it takes a hell lot of guts,skill and luck to be even his employee"!!!.
Me and my friend are exceptions,with each passing day we are getting more elated and ivigorated, without any reasons. more importantly it frustates some of our batchmates who work harder with a Better performance under their belt..
Donnknow where it'll take us...i am just hoping for a day where we crash down to ground realities......
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