So what do I write?I was going through this years Essay questions for Stanford GSB and one thing they were stressing again and again is be yourself.Write as if you are talking to yourself,as if exploring yourself.This really is important,isn't it?According to a dean of a prominent business school,the biggest mistake applicants make is try to impress the admission committee.Dont do it.

Moving to a different track altogether,I finished 'The White Tiger' by Arvind Adiga.I find the style of writing pitty good,but contentwise it gave me a picture of someone who has done his best research about rural india and poverty without ever visiting the place he intends to write about.The booker thing about the book had already raised my expectations sky high and obviously it wasn't at par.The book is about a servant\driver who kills his master,takes his bag full of notes to a different place(banagalore),starts a new business,makes a fortune and establishes a new identity among the ellites of the society.
And,I must add that I have heard of such a person who followed almost the same route except that he opted for politics instead of a business and is a prominent name in the regional politics.May be,Adiga has taken his story from there.I dont know,just a guess work.

I am planning to make a visit to nearby locations around pune,my friends are saying it really gets very beautiful in Lonavala,khandala these days.one of my wishes include to blog from a mountain peak :).Let's hope I am able to realise it this monsoon.